International Securities & Commodities Alerts Network (I-SCAN) - forex packages

Warning ID: 36761
National Competent Authority (NCA): Hong Kong - Securities and Futures Commission
Date Published At NCA: 2024-01-12
Date Published At IOSCO: 2025-03-25
Last Updated: 2025-03-25
Commercial Name: forex packages
Category: Other
Product: Other
Additional Information: The Products are in the name of (i) Basic, (ii) Business, (iii) Premium and (iv) Pro/ Professional packages, which claim to offer very high returns: (i)   Basic package (100 – 999 ET): 36% per year (ii)   Business package (1,000 – 4,999 ET): 4% per month or 60% per year (iii)   Premium package (5,000 – 9,999 ET): 4% per month or 72% per year (iv)   Pro/ Professional package (10,000 – unlimited ET): 5% per month or 84% per year (Note: 1 ET = 1 USDT)