International Securities & Commodities Alerts Network (I-SCAN)

IOSCO receives alerts and warnings from its members about firms which are not authorized to provide investment services in the jurisdiction which issued the alert or warning. Some of the alerts or warnings are about unauthorized firms using names similar to those of authorized firms or about unauthorized firms falsely claiming to be associated with authorized firms.

The alerts and warnings included in the below list are provided by IOSCO members on a voluntary basis. The contents of the alerts and warnings are the responsibility of the IOSCO member which issues them. This is not a complete list of all alerts and warnings from all IOSCO members.

The date next to the name of the IOSCO member is the date when the alert or warning was posted on this list.

Showing 41 to 60 of 29566 results

Commercial Name(s) Corporate Name(s) URL Regulator Date
Insirex Quebec - Autorité des marchés financiers 2025-03-19
PetronPay Quebec - Autorité des marchés financiers 2025-03-19
MWM Group Ireland - Central Bank of Ireland 2025-03-19
CFX Fund Management Limited Ireland - Central Bank of Ireland 2025-03-19 Hong Kong - Securities and Futures Commission 2025-03-19
Fxplag Ukraine - National Securities and Stock Market Commission 2025-03-19
Euoptrade Ukraine - National Securities and Stock Market Commission 2025-03-19
ПРОЄКТ З НАВЧАННЯ ІНВЕСТИЦІЙ FinUp Ukraine - National Securities and Stock Market Commission 2025-03-19
OptCrypt Ukraine - National Securities and Stock Market Commission 2025-03-19
Turf Capital Private LTD Ukraine - National Securities and Stock Market Commission 2025-03-19
WEALTH COMPLEX United Kingdom - Financial Conduct Authority 2025-03-19
Fortis Traders Ltd United Kingdom - Financial Conduct Authority 2025-03-19
TRADE SMART X United Kingdom - Financial Conduct Authority 2025-03-19
CLICKKYVEST United Kingdom - Financial Conduct Authority 2025-03-19
elitecfd / elitecfd group plc United Kingdom - Financial Conduct Authority 2025-03-19
fortumholdings United Kingdom - Financial Conduct Authority 2025-03-19
Wealth Haven United Kingdom - Financial Conduct Authority 2025-03-19 United Kingdom - Financial Conduct Authority 2025-03-19 United Kingdom - Financial Conduct Authority 2025-03-19
Smartkryptextradings United Kingdom - Financial Conduct Authority 2025-03-19