Repository of Regulatory Initiatives for Brexit Preparedness
One of the functions of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) is to facilitate the exchange of information at both global and regional levels. This information exchange promotes investor protection, the development of markets and the strengthening of market infrastructure and facilitates the implementation of appropriate regulation. The departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union may affect financial markets broadly and can affect both IOSCO members and the firms they supervise.
To assist investors, market participants and regulators around the world to prepare for Brexit, IOSCO resolved at its February 2019 Board meeting to provide a consolidated list of Brexit related financial services regulatory developments.
This page provides links to governmental and regulators’ web pages with relevant information on Brexit preparedness. Note that some references to web pages are duplicated across different sections of the Repository; this has been done by design, so that each sectoral section is as complete in itself as possible.
The information contained in this site is for general guidance only. It does not provide an exhaustive or complete set of information and may not be up to date. As such, it should not be used as a substitute for the seeking of appropriate advice or undertaking necessary due diligence, and nor should it be relied on to make any decision or take any action.