This questionnaire is targeted at market-makers and other liquidity providers for corporate bonds.
Note that all responses will be aggregated and treated with full anonymity.
Respondent details
Relevant region
On average what percentage of the following investor types constitute your corporate bond secondary market flow business (in terms of notional value):
Under stressed market conditions (such as during the Mar-April 2020 turmoil), based on observation, how do these counterparties change their behavior?
Under stressed market conditions (such as during the Mar-April 2020 turmoil), how are you likely to alter trading/quoting protocols?
What are the key drivers of the change in behavior with regards to use of secondary trading venues/platforms?
What are the key drivers of the change in behavior with regards to primary markets?
Compared to normal circumstances, what was your experience in terms of trading volumes and your inventory (balance sheet) allocation to Investment grade (IG) corporate bonds? (e.g. significant increase in trading activity and corresponding increase in inventories, no increase in trading volumes but material increase in inventories, significant increase in trading activity but no material impact on inventories, other - please specify)
Compared to normal circumstances, what was your experience in terms of trading volumes and your inventory (balance sheet) allocation to High-Yield (HY) corporate bonds? (e.g. significant increase in trading activity and corresponding increase in inventories, no increase in trading volumes but material increase in inventories, significant increase in trading activity but no material impact on inventories, other - please specify)
How did your firm manage risks regarding trading volumes and inventories during the stress? (e.g. allocating capacity mainly to key clients, managing risks through bid-offer spreads, adjusting trading and inventory limits)