Affiliate Members Consultative Committee

All affiliate members of IOSCO form part of the Affiliate Members Consultative Committee (AMCC), which is currently chaired by Andrew J. Kriegler, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization, Canada. The AMCC is comprised of 74 IOSCO affiliate members, representing securities and derivatives markets and other market infrastructures, self-regulatory organizations (SROs), investor protection funds and compensation funds, as well as other bodies with appropriate interest in securities regulation. There are currently 35 jurisdictions represented in the AMCC, which also includes 14 regional or international associations.

The AMCC objectives are to share experiences and enhance cooperation among its members. In its capacity as a consultative committee, it provides input into the IOSCO policy and standard-setting work. The AMCC also has its own streams of work, including the FinTech Working Group and Index Providers/Asset Managers Working Group, and establishes Task Forces to investigate topics with specific relevance for AMCC members and/or the broader IOSCO community (e.g., AI, Cybersecurity, Sustainable Finance). In addition, every year the AMCC organizes a Training Seminar for regulators on current topics of regulatory or supervisory interest.

The AMCC has different streams of work:

  • the Regulatory Affairs Group (RAG) (previously Ahead of the Curve Working Group) was established in 2005 with the objective to share information on emerging regulatory issues as well as recent self-regulatory and industry initiatives among AMCC members;
  • the Regulatory Staff Training Working Group (RSTWG) organizes every year the AMCC Training Seminar on Implementing IOSCO Principles – as of today, the program, which was initiated in 2007, has reached over 700 participants from some 70 countries;
  • the Emerging Risks Group (ERG), established in 2014, seeks AMCC members' input in identifying emerging risks that should be brought to the attention of the IOSCO for further research and study;
  • Specific Task Forces are established to investigate issues with specific relevance for AMCC members and/or the broader IOSCO community. There are currently three active AMCC Task Forces on Investment Management Data, FinTech, and Cyber Threats.

AMCC members meet two times a year. Quarterly newsletters and regular calls also allow members to share information throughout the year on relevant regulatory or market developments and the progress of AMCC and other IOSCO work.

Members of the Affiliate Members Consultative Committee


Mr. Andrew J. Kriegler, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization, Canada

Vice Chair

Ms. Nandini Sukumar, CEO, World Federation of Exchanges Ltd., International

Members (74)

Bahamas International Securities Exchange, Bahamas
(Mr. Keith Davies, Acting Chief Executive Officer)

Bahrain Bourse, Bahrain, Kingdom of
(Mr. Khalifa Ebrahim Al Khalifa, Chief Executive Officer)

The Bermuda Stock Exchange, Bermuda
(Mr. Gregory Wojciechowski, President and Chief Executive Officer)

B3 – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão, Brazil
(Ms. Luciana Pereira Costa, Associate Director / Silvia Bugelli, Legal Executive Director)

Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association, Brazil
(Mr. José Carlos Doherty, CEO / Mrs. Patrícia Menandro / Mr. Guilherme Benaderet)

BSM Market Supervision, Brazil
(Mr. Glauber Facao Acquati, Head of Legal Department)

Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization, Canada
(Mr. Andrew J. Kriegler, President and Chief Executive Officer)

Cayman Islands Stock Exchange, Cayman Islands
(Mr. Marco S. Archer, Chief Executive Officer)

The International Stock Exchange, Channel Islands
(Mr. Jonathan Richards, Head of Risk, Regulation & Compliance)

Asset Management Association of China, China
(Ms. Han Bing, Director, Investors Education and International Affairs Department / Ms. Yu Mengjie, Senior Analyst, Investors Education and International Affairs Department / Mr. Lou Dingfang, Investor Education and International Affairs Department)

China Financial Futures Exchange, China
(Mr. Huo Ruirong, CEO / Ms. Phoebe Zhang, Institutional Services Department)

China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited, China
(Mr. ZHOU Ming, Chairman of the Board)

China Securities Investor Protection Fund Co., Ltd., China
(Mr. Yin Rongyan, Chairman)

Securities Association of China, China
(Mr. Chen Gongyan, Chairman / Ms. Wang Yihan)

Shanghai Stock Exchange, China
(Mr. Huang Hongyuan, Chairman / Ms. Gao Bei, Global Business Development Dpt. / Mr. Fu Hao, Vice-Chair of Global Business Development Committee, Managing Director of Global Business Development)

Shenzhen Stock Exchange, China
(Mr. Fuzhong Liu, Deputy Director of Strategy and International Relations / Ms. Karon Li, Executive Manager, International)

Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores de Colombia, Colombia
(M. Michel Janna Gandur, Presidente)

MISR for Clearing, Depository and Central Registry, Egypt
(Mr. Mohamed Abdel Salam, Chairman)

European Fund and Asset Management Association, European Union
(Mr. Tanguy van de Werve, Director General)

Deutsche Börse AG, Germany
(Mr. Niels Brab, Head of Government Relations)

German Structured Securities Association, Germany
(Mr. Christian Vollmuth, CEO and Member of the Board of Directors)

Accounting and Financial Reporting Council, Hong Kong
(Mr. Marek Grabowski, Chief Executive Officer)

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, Hong Kong
(Mr. Alejandro Nicolas AGUZIN, Chief Executive Officer)

BSE Limited, India
(Mr. Ashishkumar Chauhan, Managing Director and CEO)

Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited, India
(Mr. Praveen D G, Chief Risk Officer)

National Stock Exchange, India
(Mr. Piyush Chourasia, Chief Regulatory Officer)

Indonesia Stock Exchange, Indonesia
(Mr. Iman Rachman, President Director / Mr. Jeffrey Hendrik, Director of Business Development)

CCP Global, International
(Mr. Teo Floor, CEO)

CFA Institute, International
(Ms. Josina Kamerling, Head, Regulatory Outreach)

Federación Iberoamericana de Bolsas, International
(Mr. Juan Pablo Córdoba Garces, President)

FIA, International
(Ms. Jacqueline Mesa, Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President, Global Policy)

Financial Market Standards Board, International
(Mr. Myles McGuinness, Chief Executive Officer & Director)

Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd., International
(Mr. Dante De Gori, Chief Executive Officer)

Global Digital Finance, International
(Emma Joyce, CEO)

Global Financial Markets Association, International
(Ms. Allison Parent, Executive Director)

ICI Global, International
(Ms. Tracey Wingate, Chief of Staff)

International Capital Market Association, International
(Mr. René Karsenti, Executive President)

International Federation of Accountants, International
(Mr. Scott Hanson, Director, Policy & Global Engagement)

International Swaps & Derivatives Association, Inc., International
(Ms. Sarah Crowley, Director)

Standards Board for Alternative Investments (SBAI), International
(Mr. Thomas Deinet, CFA, Executive Director)

World Federation of Exchanges Ltd., International
(Ms. Nandini Sukumar, CEO)

Organismo di vigilanza e tenuta dell'albo unico dei Consulenti Finanziari, Italy
(Mr. Alessandro Paralupi, Director General)

Japan Exchange Group, Inc., Japan
(Mr. Hiromi Yamaji, Group CEO)

Japan Securities Dealers Association, Japan
(Mr. Toshio Morita, Chairman and CEO / Mr. Isao Hishikawa, Director, Chief Officer for International Affairs & Sustainable Finance)

Korea Exchange, Korea, Republic of
(Mr. Eun-Bo Jeong, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)

Korea Financial Investment Association, Korea, Republic of
(Mr. Yoo-seok Seo, Chairman)

Boursa Kuwait Securities Company, Kuwait
(Mashael Alobaid, International Affairs Assistant Director)

Kuwait Clearing Company, Kuwait
(Mr. Duaij Alsaleh, Chief Executive Officer)

Bursa Malaysia, Malaysia
(Mr. Muhamad Umar Swift, Chief Executive Officer / Mr. Julian Mahmud Hashim, Chief Regulatory Officer / Ms. Hor Su Fern, Senior Vice President, CRO Office, Regulation / Ms. Maizatulliza Zakaria, Assistant Vice President Corporate Strategy)

Casablanca Stock Exchange, Morocco
(Mr. Bendaoud Tali, Chief Executive Office)

Central Securities Clearing System Plc, Nigeria
(Mr. Haruna Jalo-Waziri, Managing Director / CEO / Mr. Ayokunle Adaralegbe, Divisional Head, Risk and Compliance)

FMDQ Group, Nigeria
(Mr. Bola Onadele Koko, Managing Director/CEO)

Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX Group), Nigeria
(Mr. Olufemi Shobanjo, Chief Executive Officer, NGX Regulation Limited)

National Association of Securities Market Participants, Russia
(Mr. Alexey Timofeev, Chairman of Executive Board / Ms. Ekaterina Andreeva, Vice-president)

Saudi Stock Exchange, Saudi Arabia
(Mr. Khalid Abdullah Alhussan, Chief of Markets and Acting CEO)

Singapore Exchange Limited, Singapore
(Mr. Tan Boon Gin, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Exchange Regulation)

Johannesburg Stock Exchange, South Africa
(Ms. Anne Clayton, Group Head: Public Policy & Regulatory Affairs)

Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, Spain
(Mr. Pablo Malumbres, Director, Communication and Public Relations Department)

SIX Exchange Regulation AG, Switzerland
(Mrs. Corinne Riguzzi, Head SIX Exchange Regulation)

Taipei Exchange, Chinese Taipei
(Mr. Lih-Chung Chien, Chairperson)

Taiwan Futures Exchange, Chinese Taipei
(Ms. Denise Huang, Senior Vice President, Department of Business Development)

Taiwan Stock Exchange Corp., Chinese Taipei
(Mr. Sherman H.M. Lin, Chairman and CEO)

The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Thailand
(Prof. Kitipong Urapeepatanapong, Chairperson / Mr. Asadej Kongsiri, President)

Turkish Capital Markets Association, Türkiye
(Mr. Serdar Surer, Secretary General)

Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange, United Arab Emirates
(Mr. Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Chief Executive Officer)

London Stock Exchange Group, United Kingdom
(Ms. Jennifer Cosco, Global Head of Government Relations and Regulatory Strategy / Mr. Julien Jardelot, Head of Europe, Government Relations & Regulatory Strategy)

The Investment Association, United Kingdom
(David McCarthy, Head of International Regulatory Affairs / Chris Cummings, Chief Executive / Helen Ayres, Head of Communications / Karen Northey, Director of Corporate Affairs / Suzi Nandera, International Affairs Manager)

Cboe Global Markets, United States of America
(Mr. Kyle Edwards, Sr. Director, Market Policy)

CME Group, United States of America
(Ms. Emily Hendrix, Senior Director of Risk Policy, Recovery & Resolution)

Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), United States of America
(Mr. Michalis Sotiropoulos, Head of Government Relations, Europe)

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, United States of America
(Ms. Gloria Dalton, Senior Director, Office of International Affairs)

National Futures Association, United States of America
(Ms. Karen K. Wuertz, Senior Vice President, Strategy and Communication)

Options Clearing Corporation, United States of America
(Ms. Jeanne Balcom, First Vice President, Regulatory Policy)

Securities Investor Protection Corporation, United States of America
(Josephine Wang, President & CEO)