Investor Alerts - 三豊機関 (The name of the service provider (English translation) is “Mitoyo Kikan”.)

Company: 三豊機関 (The name of the service provider (English translation) is “Mitoyo Kikan”.)
Regulator: Financial Services Agency
Jurisdiction: Japan
Date: 24 May 2024
Subject: Regarding registration of issuance, offer or sale of securities/derivatives, and reporting requirements
Comments: 1. Location of office or Address Unknown 2. Content, etc. of Financial Instruments Business Indication on their website that they are engaged in the financial instruments business without the statutory registration in Japan. 3. Notes They misrepresent themselves as a registered operator using the indication of “投資運用業(投資一任業務)の兼業登録を完了, 金融商品取引業者, 三豊証券株式会社, 四国財務局長(金商)第7号, and 加入協会:日本証券業協会”, which means “Completed concurrent registration as an investment management business operator (discretionary investment management business), Financial Instruments Business Operators, Mitoyo Securities Company, Shikoku Local Finance Bureau (FIBO) No.7, and Affiliated Associations: Japan Securities Dealers Association”. The indicated registration number (7) has already been given to the operator named,“Mitoyo Securities Company”.