Report Type


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Public Reports

Showing 321 to 340 of 760 result

  1. CR02/2014 A Comparison and Analysis of Prudential Standards in the Securities Sector, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    10 Mar 2014 - View Report | Related Public Reports (3)
  2. SWP3: Crowd-funding: An Infant Industry Growing Fast, Report of the IOSCO Research Function
    15 Feb 2014 - View Report
  3. CR01/2014 Code of Conduct Fundamentals for Credit Rating Agencies, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    Consultation Document - Comments received on the consultation report posted here on 15 July 2014
    10 Feb 2014 - View Report | View comments received | Related Public Reports (7)
  4. FR01/14 Recommendations Regarding the Protection of Client Assets, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    29 Jan 2014 - View Report | Download files in zip format | View comments received | Related Public Reports (4)
  5. Assessment Methodologies for Identifying Non-Bank Non-Insurer Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions, Report of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and IOSCO
    Consultation Document - Comments received on the consultation report posted here on 25 April 2014
    08 Jan 2014 - View Report | View comments received | Related Public Reports (1)
  6. FR14/13 Regulation of Retail Structured Products, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    20 Dec 2013 - View Report | View comments received | Related Public Reports (2)
  7. Longevity Risk Transfer Markets: Market Structure, Growth Drivers and Impediments, and Potential Risks, Report of the Joint Forum (IOSCO, Basel Committee, IAIS)
    20 Dec 2013 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  8. Assessment Methodology for the Oversight Expectations Applicable To Critical Service Providers, Report of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and the Board of IOSCO
    Consultation Document - Comments received on the consultation report posted here on 11 April 2014
    18 Dec 2013 - View Report | View comments received | Related Public Reports (2)
  9. FR13/13 Regulatory Issues Raised by Changes in Market Structure, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    13 Dec 2013 - View Report | View comments received | Related Public Reports (4)
  10. FR12/13 Trading Fee Models and their Impact on Trading Behaviour, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    13 Dec 2013 - View Report
  11. Disclosure Requirements For Islamic Capital Market Products, Report of the Islamic Financial Services Board, the International Organization of Securities Commissions, and the Securities Commission Malaysia
    31 Oct 2013 - View Report
  12. PC/01/2013 Implementation of the Principles for Financial Benchmarks, Report of IOSCO
    30 Oct 2013 - View Report | Related Public Reports (6)
  13. Report On the Second IOSCO Hedge Fund Survey, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    20 Oct 2013 - View Report | Related Public Reports (6)
  14. RO2/11/13 IOSCO Securities Markets Risk Outlook for 2013-2014, Report of the IOSCO Research Department and the Committee on Emerging Risks (CER)
    15 Oct 2013 - View Report | Related Public Reports (2)
  15. Public Quantitative Disclosure Standards for Central Counterparties, Report of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and the Board of IOSCO
    Consultation Document - Comments received on the consultation report posted here on 7 February 2014
    15 Oct 2013 - View Report | View comments received | Related Public Reports (3)
  16. FR11/13 Thematic Review of the Implementation of Principles 6 and 7 of the IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    30 Sep 2013 - View Report | Related Public Reports (2)
  17. Margin Requirements for Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives, Report of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Board of IOSCO
    02 Sep 2013 - View Report | Related Public Reports (4)
  18. Mortgage Insurance: Market Structure, Underwriting Cycle and Policy Implications, Report of the Joint Forum (IOSCO, Basel Committee, IAIS)
    20 Aug 2013 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  19. Point Of Sale Disclosure in the Insurance, Banking and Securities Sectors, Report of the Joint Forum (IOSCO, Basel Committee, IAIS)
    Consultation Document
    15 Aug 2013 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  20. Longevity Risk Transfer Markets: Market Structure, Growth Drivers and Impediments, and Potential Risks, Report of the Joint Forum (IOSCO, Basel Committee, IAIS)
    Consultation Document
    15 Aug 2013 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)