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Public Reports

Showing 361 to 380 of 760 result

  1. FR01/13 Suitability Requirements With Respect To the Distribution of Complex Financial Products, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    21 Jan 2013 - View Report | Related Public Reports (4)
  2. CR01/13 Financial Benchmarks, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    Consultation Document - Comments received on the consultation report posted here on 11 March 2013
    10 Jan 2013 - View Report | View comments received | Related Public Reports (6)
  3. FR12/12 Credit Rating Agencies: Internal Controls Designed to Ensure the Integrity of the Credit Rating Process and Procedures to Manage Conflicts of Interest, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    21 Dec 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  4. CR 13/12 Supervisory Colleges for Credit Rating Agencies, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    21 Dec 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (4)
  5. Principles for financial market infrastructures: Disclosure framework and Assessment methodology, Report of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and the Board of IOSCO
    14 Dec 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (3)
  6. FR10/12 Principles for Ongoing Disclosure for Asset-Backed Securities, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    27 Nov 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (4)
  7. FR09/12 Global Developments in Securitisation Regulation, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    16 Nov 2012 - View Report | Download files in zip format | Related Public Reports (7)
  8. FR08/12 Survey on the Principles for the Regulation and Supervision of Commodity Derivatives Markets, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    29 Oct 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (5)
  9. FR07/12 Policy Recommendations for Money Market Funds, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    09 Oct 2012 - View Report | View comments received | Related Public Reports (4)
  10. FR06/12 Principles for Oil Price Reporting Agencies, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    Comments received for this document are posted here
    05 Oct 2012 - View Report | View feedback statement | View comments received | Related Public Reports (7)
  11. Principles for the Supervision of Financial Conglomerates, Report of the Joint Forum (IOSCO, Basel Committee, IAIS)
    24 Sep 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (5)
  12. CR12/12 Technological Challenges to Effective Market Surveillance Issues and Regulatory Tools, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    22 Aug 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (4)
  13. CR11/12 Recovery and Resolution of Financial Market Infrastructures, Report of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and the Board of IOSCO
    Consultation Document - Comments received on the consultation report posted here on 18 January 2013
    31 Jul 2012 - View Report | View comments received | Related Public Reports (3)
  14. SWP1: Systemic Risk Identification in Securities Markets, Report of the IOSCO Research Function
    15 Jul 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (3)
  15. CR10/12 Margin Requirements for Non-Centrally-Cleared Derivatives, Report of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Board of IOSCO
    Consultation Document - Comments received on the consultation report posted here on 8 October 2012
    06 Jul 2012 - View Report | View comments received | Related Public Reports (2)
  16. IOSCO Multilateral MOU, Report of IOSCO
    Version revised May 2012
    20 Jun 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  17. FR05/12 The Credit Default Swap Market, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    16 Jun 2012 - View Report
  18. FR04/12 Development and Regulation of Institutional Investors in Emerging Markets, Report of the Emerging Markets Committee of IOSCO
    14 Jun 2012 - View Report
  19. OR07/12 Standing Committee on Commodity Futures Markets Update to G20 Leaders on IOSCO's Consultation on the Functioning and Oversight of Oil Price Reporting Agencies, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    12 Jun 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (3)
  20. CR09/12 Global Developments in Securitization Regulation, Report of the Board of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    07 Jun 2012 - View Report | Related Public Reports (5)