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Public Reports

Showing 441 to 460 of 760 result

  1. Guidance on the Application of the 2004 CPSS-IOSCO Recommendations for Central Counterparties to OTC Derivatives CCPs, Report of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems and the IOSCO Technical Committee
    Consultation Document
    12 May 2010 - View Report | Related Public Reports (3)
  2. CR Regulatory Implementation of the Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    07 May 2010 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  3. Disclosure Principles for Public Offerings and Listings of Asset-Backed Securities, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    08 Apr 2010 - View Report | Related Public Reports (3)
  4. Principles for Periodic Disclosure by Listed Entities, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    22 Feb 2010 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  5. Comments Received in Relation to the Consultation Report, Auditor Communications, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    10 Feb 2010 - View Report | Related Public Reports (2)
  6. Review of the Differentiated Nature and Scope of Financial Regulation - Key Issues and Recommendations, Report of the Joint Forum (IOSCO, Basel Committee, IAIS)
    11 Jan 2010 - View Report | Related Public Reports (3)
  7. Guidelines to Emerging Market Regulators Regarding Requirements for Minimum Entry and Continuous Risk-Based Supervision of Market Intermediaries, Report of the Emerging Markets Committee of IOSCO
    21 Dec 2009 - View Report
  8. Approaches to Market Surveillance in Emerging Markets, Report of the Emerging Markets Committee of IOSCO
    18 Dec 2009 - View Report
  9. Fit and Proper Assessment - Best Practice, Report of the Emerging Markets Committee of IOSCO
    11 Dec 2009 - View Report
  10. The Development of the Collective Investment Schemes Industry in Emerging Markets 2005 to 2007, Report of the Emerging Markets Committee of IOSCO
    09 Dec 2009 - View Report
  11. Principles on Point of Sale Disclosure, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    16 Nov 2009 - View Report | Related Public Reports (2)
  12. Private Equity Conflicts of Interest, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    03 Nov 2009 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  13. Report on Special Purpose Entities, Report of the Joint Forum (IOSCO, Basel Committee, IAIS)
    29 Sep 2009 - View Report
  14. Impact On and Responses of Emerging Markets to the Financial Crisis, Report of the Emerging Markets Committee of IOSCO
    18 Sep 2009 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  15. Transparency of Structured Finance Products, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    16 Sep 2009 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  16. Elements of International Regulatory Standards on Funds of Hedge Funds Related Issues Based on Best Market Practices, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    14 Sep 2009 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  17. Exploration of Non-Professional Ownership Structures for Audit Firms, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    09 Sep 2009 - View Report | Related Public Reports (2)
  18. Auditor Communications, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    09 Sep 2009 - View Report | Related Public Reports (2)
  19. Transparency of Firms that Audit Public Companies, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Consultation Document
    09 Sep 2009 - View Report | Related Public Reports (2)
  20. Unregulated Financial Markets and Products, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    04 Sep 2009 - View Report | Related Public Reports (3)