Report Type


Year Published


Public Reports

Showing 701 to 720 of 760 result

  1. Guidance on Custody Arrangements for Collective Investment Schemes - A Discussion Paper, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Sep 1996 - View Report | Related Public Reports (2)
  2. Disclosure of Risk - A Discussion Paper, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Sep 1996 - View Report
  3. Collective Investment Schemes in Emerging Markets, Report of the Emerging Markets Committee of IOSCO
    Sep 1996 - View Report
  4. Client Asset Protection, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Aug 1996 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  5. Report on the Implementation of IOSCO Resolutions, Report of the IOSCO General Secretariat
    Out of print. For up-dates for following years please refer to document: IOSCOPD84 (Posted in 1998)
    Jul 1996 - View Report
  6. Measures Available on a Cross­-Border Basis to Protect Interests and Assets of Defrauded Investors, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Jul 1996 - View Report
  7. Regulatory Cooperation in Emergencies - A Discussion Paper, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Jun 1996 - View Report
  8. Legal and Regulatory Framework for Exchange Traded Derivatives, Report of the Emerging Markets Committee of IOSCO
    Jun 1996 - View Report
  9. Discussion Paper on International Cooperation in Relation to Cross-­Border Activity of Collective Investment Schemes, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Jun 1996 - View Report
  10. Response of the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision and of the International Organization of Securities Commissions to the Request of the G­7 Heads of Government at the June 1995 Halifax Summit, Report of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and IOSCO
    May 1996 - View Report
  11. Report on Margin, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Mar 1996 - View Report
  12. Report on Cooperation Between Market Authorities and Default Procedures, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Mar 1996 - View Report
  13. Public Disclosure of the Trading and Derivatives Activities of Banks and Securities Firms, Joint Report by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision and by the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Nov 1995 - View Report
  14. The Supervision of Financial Conglomerates, Report of the Tripartite Group of Bank, Securities and Insurance Regulators with a Preface by IOSCO, the Basle Committee and the IAIS
    Jul 1995 - View Report | Related Public Reports (3)
  15. The Implications for Securities Regulators of the Increased Use of Value at Risk Models by Securities Firms, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Jul 1995 - View Report
  16. Report on Investment Management, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Jul 1995 - View Report
  17. Clearance and Settlement in the Markets of the Members of the Technical Committee - Implementation of the Group of Thirty Recommendations, Report of the IOSCO General Secretariat
    Jul 1995 - View Report | Related Public Reports (2)
  18. Framework for Supervisory Information About the Derivatives Activities of Banks and Securities Firms, Joint Report by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision and by the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    May 1995 - View Report | Related Public Reports (1)
  19. Report on Issues in the Regulation of Cross­-Border Proprietary Screen­Based Trading Systems, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Oct 1994 - View Report | Related Public Reports (4)
  20. Report on Issues Raised for Securities and Futures Regulators by Under-Regulated and Uncooperative Jurisdictions, Report of the Technical Committee of IOSCO
    Oct 1994 - View Report